Monday, July 13, 2009

It's been WAY too long and SO much has changed

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009

I know it's been way too long, but it's amazing how busy I've been. I feel like when I ever I do have down time there is other things that I need to get done. We just moved to a new home north of Louisville. We love it! We'll have to post pictures soon.

Carson is doing good. He really is such a wonderful and sweet boy, but he's having some awful tantrums lately. It has to be the terrible 2's. And we are still working on the potty training. I'd say we are half way there.

And Ms. Avery...she is doing really great! Just turned four months old! We have a doctor's apt tomorrow, so Ill post progress. She can already stand straight up with very little help!! She LOVES to bounce in her activity center. She rolls over both ways and man can she get from one place to the other fast. I'm so amazed at how advanced she is on everything. I don't know if it's her big brothers influence or if it's just her.

Nick and I couldn't be more proud of the family and life we have built together. I promise to be better about the post. I just got so far behind that i got harder and harder to get on here.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Quick Video of Avery

Its been a LONG month

I almost don't even know where to start. I told you all it would be awhile before I got back on this thing. It seems every time I get on here to download pics or to write I get distracted. And at nights...forget about it. By the time I get Carson to bed and Avery her night cap I'm out!

So, lets see...where to begin. Well, after Avery was born I had just a few days with Nick before he had to leave and go work in Kentucky. A day after he left his parents came down for a week. It was a really nice visit. And boy did they spoil Carson Wynn!! They took him for walks, went to museums, bought him books, and played played PLAYED! He really missed them when they left. And I think they were pretty fond of our Avery, too. ;) They helped me out a lot. I got to get some rest when Avery slept because they were watching Carson. Thanks, again David & Colleen.

Then my sister came with her husband and little girl. I wish I had more pics of their visit, but when I went to download to the site I couldn't find them. I'll try and add a couple in the next post. They brought the nicest gift...a moses basket FILLED with goodies. It was WAY too sweet. And we have really gotten the good out of the moses basket. And Ms. Abby brought Avery all of her Bobo's since Abby is a big girl now and doesn't need them. (Don't worry, we aren't going to use them, it was just to help Abby). But, it was so so so.....sweet.

Then we had a couple weeks of getting a routine down. I think we are doing pretty well. Avery goes longer now in between bottles and I try to get to them bed at around the same time. She is such a good baby. Everyone said I wouldn't have another good natured baby like Carson. LOL They were wrong! Thank goodness!! But, believe me I was prepared for a screamer. But, she is a lot more needy than Carson was. You can hardly put her down. But I have to give a shout out to Tera Knepp for introducing me to the hotsling. I put her in that pouch and we are good to go. I'm hands free to deal with Carson and she is close to me. So everyone wins.

A week ago was Easter and we spent that time at Mom & Dad's for the weekend. It was a great time. But, actually we spent about a week there because my car was in the shop. OH YEAH! I forgot to mention I was in a wreck!!!! Praise the Lord the kids weren't with me! But, I got rear ended while I was getting ready to turn. The man came up behind about 40 or 50 mph. I had to be transported to the hospital on a back brace (it was so embarrassing). My back hurt for like 2 weeks, but it's better now. They gave me muscle relaxers, but I was unable to take them because I had to be up with Avery. But, anyway $4000 worth of damage and I have my Tahoe back. Oh, and for those of you who didn't know Nick got a new car. A 350Z, it was a lot cheaper payment than his diesel and a lot cheaper on gas. I guess we didn't need 2 family vehicles, and this car is TONS of fun!!!

Anyway, back on Easter....the whole family was there and it was alot of fun. Abby and Carson got to play (they are so sweet to each other) and I got to spend time with my sister. I love my Nin. :) She and my mom also helped me out and watched the kiddos so I could go find a place in Louisville. No such luck yet, but I will keep you posted.

Okay, so to wrap things up because I know I have skipped through ALOT...Avery is doing extremely well and growing like a weed....Carson is getting to be such a big boy and showing his true colors more and more...and Nick is extremely busy and stressed at work, but he does get to come home on the weekends and be with the family that misses him SO much. And me.....I'm handling it all pretty well. Two babies can be hard, but with angels like mine it's easy to get through.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Avery's Hospital Photo

Avery's 1st photo is now available online. Go to, click on the blue nursery tab, then visit the web nursery, and last type in mconner and the password is avery. I have to say...I think she's gorgeous! :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Avery Elizabeth Conner

Avery Elizabeth Conner
6lbs 15oz
19 1/2 in
Born 12:13 pm
March 9th, 2009

Momma and baby are home now. We are doing very well. Avery is a such a sweet and good baby. We will be sharing more pictures and updates in a couple days. But, we probably won't be on the computer much. I promise to update as soon as I can. Our family has been very cup runneth over (Psalms 23:5).

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Well...Nick and I have decided to go ahead with the induction of our baby girl on Monday. Waiting for her to come on her own isn't the best option due to Nick starting his new job in Kentucky next Monday. Once he starts he will only be able to come home for a day or two. Having her Monday will give us almost a week with her. Also, this way we can have my mom already here to help out and not have to call her in the middle of the night to come get Carson from the hospital. I will be checking into the Women's Hospital here in Newburgh/Evansville on Monday the 9th at 4am. I know....4am!!! ;P So, all the followers out there keep checking next week for pictures of our new addition (or log into the women's hospital nursery site to check on pics). Also, you all can FINALLY know her name. :)

Keep us in your prayers....we love you all!!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Disney Playhouse Live!

Well...we had a fun and exciting day today!!! :) We wanted to have a nice day out with just Carson before his sister came, so we got tickets for Disney Playhouse Live. It was so much fun!! I can't believe how into it he was. But, Carson LOVES Mickey Mouse!!!! He was so cute to watch his face when the characters would come out on stage. During the intermission I had to go and get him one of the light souvenirs the other kids had. :) What can I say....we spoil our Monkey! I started to cry when we were getting out of the car because he looked so big to me!! He is such a big sweet boy!! Afterwards we took him for ice cream. By the time we got him home he was so exhausted he slept for 2 1/2 hours. I had to wake him up at 6:30!! Having fun was hard on the boy!!!

Update on Baby of last week I was 2cm dilated and 30% effaced. So, for those who know what I'm talking about...we are on our way! Which is wonderful because Nick starts his new job near Louisville on the 15th, so if she could come before then it would be wonderful!!!! Oh, and yes folks...we are moving to Kentucky!! :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Update on Baby Girl

I had another doctor appointment today. She wanted to get an ultrasound to see how big baby girl was getting. So far it seems she weighs in at 5lb 12oz!! So, probably by the time I deliver she will be over 7lbs. Which, Carson was 6lb 14oz. Dr. Foster is very happy with us. She said both baby and mommy are perfect and right on track! We tried to do the 3D ultrasound today, but she is just too crammed to get a good shot. But, here are some of the other photos. The first is of her face. You may have to stare at it for just a minute to really know what you are seeing (like those hidden pictures), but once you see it you'll be amazed! The second is of her foot that is CONSTANTLY kicking my side. I seriously have a bruise on my side from that foot! :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Snowed In

Well we had some pretty nasty weather here in southern Indiana last week. Even though I have a nice big vehicle now, I was still snowed in. It was bad! It wasn't just the snow, it was the layers and layers of ice underneath. We are still having troubles due to it. Actually, my NEW car is in the shop as we speak because yesterday I was driving down the road by my apartments and a tree limb was down over the road and I couldn't get over to miss it and it scrapped the whole side of my car!!!! There are trees down everywhere around here!

But, we did try to stay busy while we were snowed in. Carson had fun playing with his toys and even his playdoh. He is showing the camera his spider he and mommy made. I have been so amazed with how his playing has changed lately. He is more imaginative and even has started talking to his toys. The other day he was feeding Teddy and Elmo. Teddy (Ruxpin) he loves!! Thanks again grandma and grandpa Conner!! :) Actually Teddy has been played so much that he needs batteries already! Today he had some vehicles all lined up and in order and was counting them!! He had six!! What a smart boy! :)

I had a doctor's apt on Tuesday. They will be every Tuesday from here on out. I'm doing really well on my weight and everything looks wonderful she said. But, she did order an ultrasound for next week because I'm measuring a little small and she would like to know what baby girl is weighing in at. I'm thinking about calling and seeing if I can get a 3D ultrasound. That would be neat! I also got my flu shot while I was there. I didn't even really think about it until my mom mention it would be good because the baby would get the same antibodies.

And a little update on Nick...he is still in Washington, but will be home on the 18th. I am so so so excited to see him!!!!!!!!! We have missed him something terrible. So, everyone keep him in your prayers that his drive home goes well. And Nikali....I love you bunches and bunches and bunches!!!!!!!!! Hurry Home!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Baby Name Survey

Go to this website to help us with our baby name survey. We are having such a hard time finalizing our decision we thought we'd get some help from our friends and family. Keep in mind the final decision is still ours, but we would like your opinion.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Carson & Abby

Carson and I had such a wonderful time at my sister's house in Cedar Lake. She took such good care of us. With Nick being gone and me being 8 months pregnant I love having someone take care of me sometimes. Who doesn't? :) She even watched Carson one day while I got a pedicure and a prenatal massage. It was so nice!!! She made all kinds of great food all week, too. I would love to get back up there again soon, but it's probably going to be difficult with the time winding down on Ms. Conner's due date, I'm hoping they can make a trip and come down here soon. We already miss them terribly! Carson and Abby are so close and love each other very much. I love to see them together and hate when they have to be apart...I feel the same way about my Nin.

Snow Day

This blog entry will be a repeat of one that is on my sisters I posted it on her site by accident. I was able to move the pictures, but not the video of Carson and Abby on the swingset, so if you go to her site you can see it and all of the rest of her posts. It's a really great blog!

This first picture is for Nick...Like Father, LIke Son. Remember last year when your truck got stuck in Wyoming?? Carson was having the same trouble!! :)

We took the kids to play in the snow today and had TONS of fun!!!! They went down the snow covered slide, played on the swing set, used the the shovel in the snow, and just had an over all great time. I love that we got a chance to come up here to see "Our Abby" and play. It's been so much fun!

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I know these pictures are small, but it's all I had at the moment. It was from the dealers site. But, you all get the idea. But, let me just tell you...this ride is AWESOME! This isn't just any mamamobile. :) It's so perfect for our growing family. Just in case everyone is wondering what it is, it's a 2007 Tahoe LTZ. If you go to you can see my ol' Mazda for sale. I miss it, but I am so thankful to have something this big and wonderful as it's replacement. And my insurance actually went down!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Beds for Our Babies

I know that it has been a couple weeks since my last post, but I didn't really have much to share and for the last week I have had Internet troubles. At the moment Carson and I are in Cedar Lake, IN (by Chicago) visiting my sister (or as Carson would say "Anya". Carson actually has names for everyone here...GoGo Guy, Abbeeee, and Anya. It's so sweet. :) I'll post some pictures in a couple days of Carson and his Abby. They play so nice together. If you go to my sister's blog ( you can see more pics and videos of the kids together.

So, about the pictures....we got new beds!! Actually Carson got a new bed and Baby Sister got new bedding. It took me forever to find what I wanted, but I think I made the right choice. Actually, I know I did. I love it!!!! It blows my mind how soon she could be here. She could technically arrive at the end of next month! I'll think about posting some pics of my growing belly.

Again...back to the beds! Okay, Carson got a Big Red Car. His daddy insisted on it! It is a lot cuter than I expected and Carson loves it! He actually plays on his bed now. He did however fall out of it on the first night, but the fall was not very far and he never did wake up. :)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas 2008

Well, Nick FINALLY got back on Christmas Eve. I really wasn't sure if he was even going to make it. Those who tried to fly from out west were still sitting in the airport. I really did hate it that he had to drive, though. Luckily Carson's Dada has a nice big truck! Speaking of Carson...he was SO EXCITED to see Nick. Carson woke up from his nap to his Daddy and just had a fit! :) He hasn't let him out of his site since.

Nick did get to spend time with his family in Idaho and his Grandparents in Wyoming before he came home. I was happy he got to do that. It wasn't possible for Carson and I to get out there, but maybe next year. And his family sent the nicest gifts home. I received a sewing machine from his mom and dad that I really needed. Colleen taught me how to sew a couple years ago, and I have been wanting to get my own for a long time. So family should be expecting homemade gifts next year. :) And they got Nick an Xbox 360!!! Wow! Nick's parents and brothers (Josh & Joel) and sister (Miriah) are so gracious. They always send the nicest stuff. We really appreciate everything.

The day after Christmas my brother and sister and their families came to my mom and dad's for Christmas. We had such a good time!! By the time we opened gifts the little one's had about had it. They were so tired! We had to hurry Carson's along just a bit so he could go to bed. Fun is hard on the boy!! I'm actually surprised he wasn't hyper from all the chocolate his Aunts and Uncles were sneaking him.

I hope everyone reading this had a wonderful holiday. Santa unfortunately didn't bring me the snow I asked for. Instead it was delivered to the Conner's out West. But, my prayers were answered and I got my Nick home for Christmas safe and sound. And after all the gifts are opened, and our bellies are full, what really matters most is the loved ones we have beside us.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Potty Time

I forgot to mention in my last blog that Carson had started full blown potty training. He even pooped in the potty for the first time the other day. I hope that isn't too much information, but we are just so darn proud! I'm also loving the fact the we won't have 2 in diapers.

I had a lot of pictures to share so I decided to follow the rest of the bloggers out there and do a slide show. This actually works out a lot better. Who knew? :)

The first couple of pictures were taken while Nick was still in town for Thanksgiving. We miss him tremendously and hope that he makes it back before Christmas Eve. It's been hard without him. It hardly feels like Christmas, but we have been trying to keep ourselves busy. This past weekend Carson and I headed up to Indy to spend the weekend with my brother and sister. On Saturday Monica and I got a room at the Downtown Hilton and took the kids to Circle Centre to finish up some shopping. Along the way we got to see some of Santa's Reindeer before they make their big trip next week. Carson loved it! Abby did too....kind of. She was fine until it was time to to touch them and she didn't want any part of that!

Later that night we met up with my brother and his family at the Zoo for the Festival of Lights. It was really great! We even stopped by a bonfire and listen to carolers singing. It was nice to get in front because it was a cold one!

The next day we went back to Michael's house because my niece, Regan was having her 8th Birthday Party. It's amazing how the time has flown. She had some friends over and they were all running around, singing, screaming, and having a good time. Took me back to when all my friends would come over to my house. Those were some great times!

I wanted to thank our friend's Joe, Amanda, and Connor for sending Carson that AWESOME tool belt he is wearing in some of the pictures. It is too cute! We got in in the mail last night. It is for him to help out with his baby sister. Too too cute! Joe and Amanda are always so thoughtful and kind. The even sent a savings bond for his birthday and some outfits for his little sister. Carson got a couple of other gifts in the mail I should mention....His Grandma and Grandpa Conner got him a SkiDoo Game that he actually has a SkiDoo he can ride. He loves pretending he's actually riding it. I wish I had a picture, but I promise to get one on here. And my very best friend, Alyson sent a Tonka Remote control car that flips once it hits the wall. It really is neat!!!! Nick and I appreciate everyone thinking of Carson on his 2nd birthday. He really is one special and loved boy!

This last picture is for Carson's Dada...He was saying "Goodnight" to you on the phone last night. We can't WAIT to see you!!! XOXO

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Play Time & Baby Grant

Well, since the weather has been so cold and we can't go to the park, I take Carson to the mall play land alot. It's nice because he gets to run off some energy. Which anyone with toddlers knows that is a MUST! A couple days ago my cousin, Casie was there with her beau Brian and Baby G. Grant is a year younger, but almost as big. :)
We have big plans for this weekend. We are heading up to Indy on Saturday morning to meet Abby and Monica at Circle Centre. We got a room there at the Hilton, which is connected to the mall. Later that night we are going with my brother and his family to the Zoo to see the light display. And the next day is Miss Regan's birthday. So, a nice fun filled family weekend. I can't wait!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Plain Tuckered Out!

I guess Carson had a busy today. :) He woke up early and then had KDO (Kids Day Out) at the church. When he got home I fixed his lunch. He didn't even eat much, just played with it. Then I looked over and saw this. This would be the first time he has EVER just fallen asleep, especially at his high chair! He really must of worn himself out today!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Carson and Abby unwrapped his gift from his Aunt Anya (Monica) early. We walked in my moms room and there was paper EVERYWHERE! Carson had the deer in the headlight look and when my dad asked who did it, Abby said "Abby did". :) Those two are too cute together. So...I let him open it up and play with it. We tried to make his birthday special all day long.

After his birthday pancakes Carson got his gift from his Mama & Dada. He loved it!! The kids played on it all day long!!!! It's a big hit!

We had a Wiggly Party. For those of you who don't son is a Wiggles Fanatic! He sings "Toot Chug Chug Big Red Car" all of the time!!!!! So of course we had to make his party theme the Wiggles. Unfortunately, Pretty much everyone had to cancel that we invited to the party. We understood, the day after Thanksgiving is a bad time for alot of people. But, we had a lot of fun just the same!! He loved everything!!! I just can't believe our sweet boy is now 2. Time really does fly!

Alot to be thankful for

I was so thankful that Nick got to come home for Thanksgiving. Carson & I have missed him so much! We picked him up at the airport on Tuesday. That was a LONG drive! 3 hours up....3 hours back. Next time I think we should try a different airport. But, going up to Indy gave me a chance to see my brother, Michael, who just returned home from Iraq. We are so grateful that he is home and sound.

Nick got a chance to finally use his birthday present from Carson and I. We got him a Canon Xsi SLR camera. He loves it! I love it, too. Finally I'm not the one taking all the pictures. The only I'm in some of them. :)

Ms. Abigail got some new glasses!!! Sweet, aren't they?

We spent Thanksgiving at my moms. The food was awesome! Unfortunately, no deep fried turkey. While Nick and my Dad were fryin' it the wind knocked it off the table. 2 more things to be one was hurt & mom had a 17lb turkey that she had already roasted.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Our Weekend

My Best Friend, Alyson came up this weekend with her little boy, Dominick. He and Carson get along very well. They are so cute to watch! Although Dominick does speak a lot better than Carson (he's 9 months older), they really do communicate great! I can't get over how much Carson is talking lately. He repeats almost everything. Though, somethings are still hard to figure out unless you speak Carsoniese. I asked him today what he did with this sucker and he said "Trash Mama, Trash". Sure enough he thrown it in the trash.

Back to our weekend with Alyson...I don't know what I would have done without her here! I had to have her follow me to the dealer to pick up my car because they were supposed to service it and rotate my tires, though my tires were so bad that I had to replace them. So, first we had to take back the rental, pick up my car, go to 3 different tire places till I found the tires that my car needed. They last place STILL didn't have them but they went and picked them up in Princeton. Whew! They were expensive, but at least we got a free turkey. ;P

Then we took the boys to the mall. Carson unfortunately had to get a haircut at the mall. This would be the first time his Papa didn't cut it. But I was desperate and didn't want to have to drive an hour and half. I hope my dad understands. And dad, if you are reading do a much better job!!

After the haircut we took the boys to the playground area at the mall. I really love to take Carson there when its cold outside. He really gets to run of some energy. And speaking of should see that Dominick go!! It was really fun for them.

Carson really gives Jones a run for his money. LOL

Funny story....I was trying to get Carson to lay down after Dominick and Alyson left this morning. I could hear him in his room crying for me, so after awhile I looked out in the hall to check on him. There he was hanging on the gate to his room (it is much needed when he sleeps) with his cowboy hat on saying "E Haw, Mamma, E Haw". How could I be mad??? :)

BTW, for those of you who didn't know, Carson is now in a big boy bed. It works out great! I just transformed his baby bed to a day bed and added the railing, so he doesn't fall off. And then while he sleeps I put a baby gate at his door. When he is ready to go to bed he will get in bed all by himself now. He is such a big boy!!!


I wanted to thank everyone who had Carson in their prayers while he was sick. And BOY was he sick! His fever got as high as 103.7 and he had one for 4 days. He went back to the doctor on Monday. Dr. Rogers said his tonsils were red and there were patches on them, which were common for that type of viral infection. He still has a bit of a cough and an occasional runny nose. He lost some weight, but he's getting back to normal. It is just taking longer than I would have hoped. But everyday is better for him.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Poor Sick Baby

I know I haven't blogged yet this week. I just got my camera back last night from my mom. So, I will try later today to post some pics.

Carson is feeling awful today. He woke up with a 102 temp. So far this morning I brought it back down to 100. Poor baby. We are supposed to go to a friends house on Sat and go to the Children's Museum, but it doesn't look good today. :( Keep Carson in your thoughts in Prayers.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Missing Camera

I just wanted to let everyone know I will be posting something soon.

Monday, November 3, 2008

It's a Girl!

Well, as most of you know we found out a couple weeks that we were having a girl while we were in Idaho. I wanted Nick to be there when we found out, so Colleen (Nick's mom) made us an apt with a friend she works with at the hospital. But, today I had my apt with my doctor here in Newburgh. And they give you a disc, so it's easy for me to put pics on my blog. They said she looks really great. Everything is as it should be. And she was wonderful for her photo shoot. She let them see everything they needed. They can even tell by pics how much she weighs (13.4 oz). I absolutely can not wait to meet her!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treating

Here's the Halloween pics that I promised to put on here. Unfortunely I don't have any of Grant (My cousin Casie's son). We had such a good time, but it was hard work. Luckily when we got to Beth's (we go to church with her) she let us borrow some wagons. That was a life saver! We actually walked around for 2 1/2 hours! Carson ate 4 suckers while we were out. He loved them!!!! Oh, and the other little fairy princess is Ms. Hallie Ann (My cousin Nicole's daughter). They were all so very sweet together. After we were done getting Candy we went up town and joined the costume contest. This year Grant won the contest. He was a lion. So cute! Then we had some chili at the Lions Club. All and All it was an awesome night!!!!


Just a couple pics from the other night at what Carson calls "CH Cheese". They had so much fun!! Seriously though, they should make the food there better because no kid can eat in that place. There is so much going on. They did play lots of games and won 220 tickets. Which got them some suckers, stickers, lizards, rings, and a game. Too Cute!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I will have more pictures tomorrow, but for now I thought I'd post some from my phone. Carson was the cutest bull rider I've ever seen. His grandpa Conner taught him to say Ye-Haw, so we said that ALL night. He was also very sweet about saying "Trick or Treat" and "Thank You". He has been talking up a storm lately! He can repeat alot of things you ask him to. Nick and I are so proud of our little cowboy. :)